Age-Friendly Ceredigion
Join us in building an Age-Friendly Ceredigion
What is an Age-Friendly Community?
Age-Friendly communities are places in which older people, communities, policies, services, settings, and structures work together in partnership to support and enable us all to age well. - World Health Organisation
The eight domains of an Age-Friendly community:
- Outdoor Spaces and Buildings: Safe, accessible, and well-maintained public areas that encourage activity and interaction.
- Transport: Reliable, affordable public transport and well-maintained, safe roads.
- Housing: A range of affordable, accessible, and supportive housing options.
- Social Participation: Opportunities for residents of all ages to take part in leisure, cultural, and spiritual activities.
- Respect and Social Inclusion: Programs and services that promote intergenerational and cultural connections.
- Civic Participation and Employment: Encouraging older adults to engage in community decisions and providing flexible work opportunities.
- Communication and Information: Easy access to information, including new technologies that engage rather than exclude.
- Community Support and Health Services: Accessible health care services that meet the needs of residents at all stages of life.
Why should your community get involved?
- Age-Friendly Ceredigion is community led. This means that we can help older adults stay healthy and active, strengthen community connections, and boost the local economy by involving older adults in various activities.
- Age-Friendly communities can make Ceredigion a better place for everyone.
Reach out to the Carers and Community Support Team today to learn how you can become a Citizen Representative. Discover more about the role and connect with other motivated community members like yourself!
📞 01545 574200
For further information on Age Friendly Communities click on the following links
- World Health Organisation: Creating age-friendly cities and communities
- Older People’s Commissioner For Wales: Age-Friendly Communities in Practice: Good Practice Examples

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