Housing Related Support Services
What is Housing Support?
If you are Homeless or at risk of becoming Homeless, Housing Support provides a range of support services to Ceredigion’s residents, to maintain your tenancy and live independently in the community. Housing Support is designed to help you deal with a crisis and improve your skills and confidence to take control of your life and make your own decisions.
“Cymorth Tai”, is Ceredigion’s Housing Support is funded by Welsh Government and commissioned by Ceredigion County Council, providing a County wide network of support from a range of organisations with experience in supporting people positively across a range of needs.
Who can receive Housing Support?
Housing Support is available to Ceredigion’s residents who are 16 years or over, living in any type of accommodation, especially people who are homeless for any reason or at threat of eviction.
We support single people, families and Carers who are committed to working with us.
Housing Support can help support you with a range of needs and issues. You might need support because:
- You are moving into new or unsupported accommodation
- You are having difficulties with your current accommodation and may be at risk of losing your home
- You are leaving hospital, prison or care and need support to live independently
- You are homeless and living in temporary accommodation
- You are struggling with mental health problems
- You have issues with drugs or alcohol
- You are fleeing domestic abuse and violence
What Support can I get help with?
We can help you deal with many aspects of tenancy such as;
- Set up and settle into your new home
- Report repairs, sort out rent and other tenancy issues
- Manage your money, bills, debts, and budget
- Fill forms and write letters
- Access welfare benefits
- Arrange appointments and meetings
- Access other services we think might help you
- Develop life skills such as healthy eating, cooking, cleaning, and shopping
- Access training, education, and employment
- Access recreational activities, clubs, and networks
- Make a positive contribution to your local community
- Stay in contact with family and friends
Please note that Housing Support is not able to provide personal care or domestic services, nor does it offer a transport or shopping service.
How do I apply for Housing Support?
You or someone on your behalf can apply for support in a number of ways;
- You can complete the Housing Support Application form and email to cymorthtai@ceredigion.gov.uk
- Phone our contact centre (Clic) who will assist with your enquiry on 01545 570881
If you wish to apply for Social Housing, you can do this via our Ceredigion Housing Options website.
Someone from the Housing Support Gateway team, or one of our partner agencies will be in touch with you to explore your situation further.
What support is not provided?
Support does not cover a domestic service or personal care, nor does it provide a transport or a shopping service.
Support is not intended as a general support service, it is intended to assist people to develop skills to carry out domestic tasks independently or to access other services.
When or why would support stop?
Support will stop if:
- You or anyone in the house at the time of the visit becomes aggressive or abusive to support staff or others
- You or anyone in the house at the time of the visit are under the influence of alcohol or drugs and they are unable to complete the planned objectives of the visit
- It is judged there is a risk to support staff safety
- You make it difficult for the support staff to carry out their role by involving other persons or behaving inappropriately
- If you fail to engage in support
- If all housing related support needs on your support plan have been met
What do I do if I am not happy with the service?
If you are not happy with how things are going, the following options are available:
In the first instance you may like to talk to the support worker, who may be able to resolve things quickly
- If the problem is to do with the support worker or you prefer not to speak to them about it then you can speak to the Manager of your support provider who will look into your concerns and take any necessary action to resolve things
- If you prefer you can speak to any member of the Housing Support Gateways team
- If your problem is to do with the Housing Support Gateways team or you prefer not to speak to them then you may contact us through our Comments, Compliments and Complaints page
How much does it cost for the service?
Most support provided through Housing Support is deemed as temporary and therefore free of charge to service users.
Other longer term services still have a support charge associated, such as all sheltered accommodation, local authority community alarms and group homes for people with learning disabilities. The cost of support depends on the type of service and the intensity of the support. Ability to meet the cost of support charges for these schemes is means-tested, so the support charge may be met by Housing Support Programme Grant.