Help to Leave Hospital
Are you going into hospital and think that you will struggle to take care of yourself when you are discharged?
Help is available to smooth your path until you re-gain your confidence and independence. If it is a planned hospital admission then you can speak to the nurse during your pre op assessment or alternatively you can speak to the staff when you are on the hospital ward. The hospital will then ensure that arrangements have been made for you, and that you are safe to go home before discharging you from their care.
Practical Assistance
The Targeted Care and Enablement Service provided by Social Services may be able to help if you are having difficulties with day-to-day tasks such as personal care, regenerate meals and moving around. The hospital will refer you for this service if appropriate. Visit the Care Within the Home page for more information.
The British Red Cross can loan wheelchairs. Their contact details are 0300 456 1914 or visit their Rent or hire a wheelchair page on the British Red Cross website.
Information and Advice
The Independent Age Charity provides support and advice for older people. You may find their guide on ‘Hospital Care in Wales: Everything you need to know before, during and after your stay’ useful. Please click on the following link:
They have also produced a series of ‘Wise Guides’ (including Advice for later life – support and entitlements for over-65s, and Extra help at home – essential advice for over-65's to live independently) with lots of helpful information and useful tips.
Alternatively, if you wish to speak to one of their advisers you may telephone them on 0800 319 6789 (Monday to Friday, 10.00 - 16.00) or you may email them at
Age Cymru also provides support and advice for older people. They have lots of guides and factsheets in relation to ‘Help with care in your Home’ on their website, please click on the following link:
Alternatively they can be contacted as follows:
Telephone: 01545 570881