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Ceredigion County Council website

Jobs & Careers

As an organisation we can offer a range of career opportunities ranging from education, social care, highways maintenance to finance, ICT,  customer services and much more.

To find out about what career opportunities are currently on offer as well as what it's like to work for us please take a look at our careers website.

Other Information

Employability Support Team

The Employability Support Team provide one-to-one mentoring, support with job-seeking and interview skills and can pay for training and qualifications to help you into work. For more information please visit the Ceredigion Employability Support page, call 01970 633422 or email

Direct Payments Personal Assistants (PA) Recruitment

Individuals and Families throughout Ceredigion need your support. Please visit the Direct Payments Personal Assistants (PA) Recruitment page for further information.

Politically Restricted Posts Register

Specified Posts

1(A) Statutory Chief Officers

Chief Executive
Monitoring Officer
Head of Democratic Services
Strategic Democratic Services
Chief Education Officer
Chief Finance / Section 151 LGA Officer

1(B) Non-statutory Chief Officers

Corporate Director
Corporate Director

1(C) Deputy Chief Officers (Corporate Lead Officers)

Finance and Procurement
Economy and Regeneration
Highways and Environmental Services
Policy Performance and Public Protection
Customer Contact
Porth Cynnal - Specialist Services
Porth Cymorth Cynnar
Schools and Culture
Porth Gofal - Targeted Intervention
People and Organisation
Legal & Governance
Democratic Services